Monday, 16 May 2011

my favourite movie....

This is one of my favourite movie...

Rosie.....the elephant..

Play and laugh


The characters of fighting spiders

Lee Soon Lee (One of the 3 boys on a quest to find the King Spider) - played by Edwin Goh
Charlie Leong (Same as Soon Lee) - played by Liang Shijie Jason
Peter Livingston (Same as Soon Lee) - played by Frederick Fielding
Tony Lee (Soon Lee's Brother, amateur boxer, gang member) - played by Andie Chen
Thomas Livingston (Peter's strict father) - played by Bobby Tonelli
Mabel Lee (Soon Lee and Tony's mother) - played by Janice Koh
Annie Tan (Beautiful classy girl Tony likes) - played by Ezann Lee (my ex classmate!)
Sherry Tan (Annie's sister) - played by Sue Tan
Ah huat (The Big Bully) - played by Ethan Chia
Susie Woon (Stunning Prostitute who falls in love with Tony) - played by Rebecca Lim
Grandma (Charlie's Grandmother)
Sam the Tomboy (Pretty Tomboy in Malaysia) - played by Siona Wu-Murphy
Yiling (Medicine Girl Soon Lee likes) - played by Kimberly Chia
Simon Teo (Loves Annie) - played by Timothy Nga

Fighting spiders...

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