Monday, 16 May 2011

my favourite movie....

This is one of my favourite movie...

Rosie.....the elephant..

Play and laugh


The characters of fighting spiders

Lee Soon Lee (One of the 3 boys on a quest to find the King Spider) - played by Edwin Goh
Charlie Leong (Same as Soon Lee) - played by Liang Shijie Jason
Peter Livingston (Same as Soon Lee) - played by Frederick Fielding
Tony Lee (Soon Lee's Brother, amateur boxer, gang member) - played by Andie Chen
Thomas Livingston (Peter's strict father) - played by Bobby Tonelli
Mabel Lee (Soon Lee and Tony's mother) - played by Janice Koh
Annie Tan (Beautiful classy girl Tony likes) - played by Ezann Lee (my ex classmate!)
Sherry Tan (Annie's sister) - played by Sue Tan
Ah huat (The Big Bully) - played by Ethan Chia
Susie Woon (Stunning Prostitute who falls in love with Tony) - played by Rebecca Lim
Grandma (Charlie's Grandmother)
Sam the Tomboy (Pretty Tomboy in Malaysia) - played by Siona Wu-Murphy
Yiling (Medicine Girl Soon Lee likes) - played by Kimberly Chia
Simon Teo (Loves Annie) - played by Timothy Nga

Fighting spiders...

from tumblr.... :D

Teringin nak main ni!!!!

sape sebelah orang ni mmg IDIOT.haha

kucing kacokan katak! :)

born this way-lady gaga


this all for today.Goodbye.......

about my siblings

This is my olderst sister.Her name is  farah najwa.

This is my second sister.Her name is fitrie.

This is name is fatin maisarah.

This is my eldest sister.Her name is fatina adriana.

Thats all for today.Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 15 May 2011

hye world......


kat melaka plantinum
pizza hut...

hi everyone.welcome to my blog.I don't no want I want to stay.Inilah blog yang tidak seberape.Harap korang paham pahamlah ye??thats all for today. bye!!!!!!!